But wouldn’t life be boring and uninspiring if everything followed a single standardised formula? Where would be those surprising experiences of beauty, where would be the dramatic moments and contrasts, for example, when looking at art works? Should this harmonious ratio be the measure of all things?

Quelle: Divine-Golden-Ingenious Preface https://www.mfk-berlin.de/wp-content/uploads/DEVINE-GOLDEN-INGENIOUS-Preface.pdf

       da vinci Goldener Schnitt                                           Genome_Editing                                            Patented   

               Leonardo da Vinci - The Vitruvian Man                                                              Aus.https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genome_Editing                  Aus: http://www.denkhorizonte-philosophie.de/AktuelleVeranstaltungen.htm